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MSEM2 Summer Sets Announced!

Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else , may I have your attention please! We are proud to introduce into the format the following two new sets: Tales of Old Jiangshi Pirates of Caitisan

(You can click the sets above to download the set files)

The sets submitted this round were more neck and neck than our previous release, but Jiangshi and Caitisan pulled ahead of the pack. Runner up and honorable mention goes to Carpe Arcanum! We have gone through these sets and addressed our issues and planted our red flags. Anyone is free to check out the set files over the next two weeks and bring up any issues they may have before release. Maybe you saw an interaction we didn't, maybe our red flags weren't as harsh as the community would like. Whatever the case, the community review will also be considered before the final launch. Attached you will find the votes and rankings for each set so you can see and discuss exactly how the voting went. Feel free to message @Matt or any other member of the MSE Council.

See you in August for the Pro Tour and Season 2 of MSEM2!

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